If after this procedure the patient continues to be ill, then it will not be from malaria, it will be from another disease. ANDREASKALCKER.COM may modify this Privacy Policy at any time, successive versions being published on the Website. 2. If symptoms persist, three drops are applied every hour thereafter. Les politiciens canadiens, les responsables de la sant publique et les dirigeants de la sant ont commis de nombreux crimes graves pendant la pandmie de COVID-19, mais l'un des plus odieux a t la vaccination obligatoire l'ARNm COVID-19 d'enfants athltes . [4], "El falso medicamento que queran promocionar en Alicante", "La Fiscala investiga a dos famosos curanderos por promover la leja contra el sida y el cncer", "Detenido en Eivissa el gur alemn de la medicina alternativa por divulgar pcimas contra el cncer y el SIDA", "Andreas Kalcker, "gur" del dixido de cloro, denunciado en Argentina por muerte de nio", "La Justicia desestima la demanda de Andreas Kalcker contra la presidenta del COMA", "Las vacunas contra el covid-19 han demostrado eficacia, mientras que el dixido de cloro no", "El dixido de cloro es una sustancia potencialmente txica que no aporta oxgeno al cuerpo humano", "El dixido de cloro o la SMM pueden curar el COVID-19? In the event that the user provides data from third parties, they declare that they have their consent and undertake to transfer the information contained in this clause, exempting ANDREASKALCKER.COM from any responsibility in this regard. RED Gigavision. The more water, the more chlorine dioxide.3. If you buy the CDS Making kit, there will not be any instructions on how to make CDS, Because they are not allowed to sell it like that. Andreas Kalcker's new book is straightforward and easy to understand for beginners and health professionals and contains an invaluable summary of data, therapy protocols and testimonials from A to Z. A dessert teaspoon twice a day with meals, preferably liquids. Top editors give you the stories you want delivered right to your inbox each weekday. {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}. [3], In 2018 the Official College of Doctors of Alicante (COMA in Spanish) called for a boycott of a Kalcker event to promote the MMS, warning of the danger of consuming the substance and denouncing that MMS "is nothing more than industrial bleach diluted to 28% and mixed with citric acid", whose ingestion can produce adverse effects, being a substance banned in Spain for human consumption and that its alleged healing power was nothing more than a fraudulent message. By browsing this website, you agree to our use of cookies. This book is the result of many years of data collecting about allegedly incurable diseases by the bio-physicist Andreas Kalcker, who dares to speak the truth, offering solutions where there were none until now. Andreas Kalcker has put his life and livelihood on the line so that we could learn about chlorine dioxide. Why Self-Managing Your NDIS Plan May Not be the Best Option? Access the largest forum uncensored. A boy, 5, and man, 50, died last year in Argentina after taking the substance. Send commercial and / or promotional information related to the contracted services sector and added value for end users, unless otherwise indicated or the user opposes or revokes their consent. Embed. If nausea is experienced, the dose will be reduced to the previous level.6 drops 3 days in a bottle of 1 to 1,5 liters of water.12 drops 4 days in a bottle of 1 to 1,5 liters of water.18 drops 7 days in a bottle of 1 to 1,5 liters of water.24 drops 7 days in a bottle of 1 to 1,5 liters of water. by Andreas Kalcker | Feb 4, 2023. If you wish, you can contact me by email for any other information that does not appear on this website. Free . A 50-year old man from Jujuy, northwestern Argentina, had died only weeks before having taken the substance. The Master Seminar is designed for anyone interested in the broad spectrum of CDS application in therapies. Complying with the legally established obligations, as well as verifying compliance with contractual obligations, included the prevention of fraud. The first dose is 3 ml CDS (or three activated drops (in a 1: 1 ratio if there is no CDS) adding 200 ml of water, before sleeping, on the first day of treatment.On the second day another 3ml CDS (or three activated drops) are taken by adding 200 ml of water, one hour after breakfast and another three activated drops by adding 200 ml of water, before sleeping.On the third day, the two previous doses are taken, after breakfast and before sleeping, adding another dose one hour after eating.Then you continue with the same three doses, one hour after breakfast, lunch and before sleeping, the necessary time of the treatment, until you feel recovered.This protocol is suitable for long-term application and also serves as maintenance. Morning and afternoon. Infusion of Neem (Azadirachta Indica) (9 days). Thank you so much! Portuguese. In case of nausea the dose is reduced. Other measures that prevent access to user data by third parties. Morning and afternoon. Enema.Day 8 Mebendazole: 100 mg every twelve hours. The bath is taken by wetting the entire body, including the head and scalp. Clinical study with Chlorine DioxideCOVID-19, Due to the multiple masssive censorship exercised by social networks and video platforms, these are the available options to disseminate the information available. Take protocol C for the next few days until complete remission. Help & Contact; Site Map; It is time to act and be part of the new secure and free communication channel where your opinion counts. You can add more hot water later, because the heat dilates the pores and thus penetrates further into the body. View in Telegram. The sicker a person is, the slower the increase in dose has to be. Dengue is often confused with malaria, both are transmitted by a mosquito, but while malaria is a parasite, dengue is a virus and the appropriate protocol is protocol F (old frequent protocol CDS 115). Guest Info: Dr. Andreas Ludwig Kalcker is a founding member of the NGO Earth-Help-Project focused to help the third world with alternative energy, water and health. sea water + 90 ml. Note: this treatment does not use systemic antiparasitic drugs that are absorbed by the rope-300dpi_1024x608body. Ghostmasters by Mark Walker. Its operation is very effective against contagion from your partner, if he is sleeping next to you, or if there are more than 1 child in the same room. Respiratory failure caused by a serious condition where the amount of oxygen carried through the blood stream is greatly reduced (methemoglobinemia); Changes in the electrical activity of the heart (QT prolongation), which may lead to potentially fatal abnormal heart rhythms; Please consider purchasing this book through the many links on this channel. Ghostmasters by Mark Walker (Revised Edition, 1994, Hardback) $125.00. A dessert teaspoon twice a day with meals, preferably liquids. An Argentinian judicial source told Insider that Kalcker has been charged with illegal practice of the medical profession and selling fake medicines. One pill in the morning and one at night. Diatomaceous earth (two doses). This book is the result of many years of data collecting about allegedly incurable diseases by the bio-physicist Andreas Kalcker, who dares to speak the truth, offering solutions where there were none until now. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. . ", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Andreas_Kalcker&oldid=1138037271, This page was last edited on 7 February 2023, at 18:08. The advantage of doing it this way is that it can be repeated several times and it is not necessary to wash it later since it does not produce chemical burns due to pH. Last year, Kalcker focused his attentions on promoting the bleach as a COVID-19 cure in South America, as the pandemic swept the continent. The charges follow a seven-month-long investigation by the Unidad Fiscal para la Investigacin de Delitos contra el Medio Ambiente (UFIMA), which investigates medical crimes in Argentina. Please consider purchasing this book through the many links on this channel. To his own surprise, a German named Andreas Kalcker was healed of arthritis using MMS. Tiki, here are some examples: Page 40: "MMS: The combination of chlorine dioxide (NaClO2) activated with citric acid CD: The combination of chlorine dioxide (NaClO2) activated with hydrochloric acid" Chlorine dioxide (CLO2) is not NaCLO2. If you wish, you can contact me by email for any other information that does not appear on this website. 99. . It is truly like trying to read . Prosecutors in Argentina are investigating Andreas Kalcker, a German self-described health researcher who popularized taking a type of bleach to treat COVID-19. Enlisting the support of local celebrities, renegade medics and military figures, the movement has promoted the substance on social media, with pages with thousands of followers pushingthe substance across the continent. This website informs humanity about the agenda for world domination. To learn more about this study, you or your doctor may contact the study research staff using the contacts provided below. A video going viral on the internet claims that self-proclaimed medical expert called Andreas Kalcker has found that Chlorine Dioxide can cure COVID-19. In order for the gas to reach all parts, it is advisable to undress before putting it in the bag. 5 people found this helpful. 4.3 MB. TV presenter consuming a bottle live on air. [5], In 2019, the Spanish Attorney General started an investigation in which Kalcker was charged for crime against public health,[6][7][2] having as its origin a complaint filed in October 2018 by the Ministry of Health, which warned of the "publication and sale" through the Internet of sodium chlorite. In tablet form take 3 tablets for 60 Kg. Diatomaceous earth (two doses). It is advisable to activate the corresponding daily dose every morning, and add it to a bottle of 1 to 1,5 liters of water and drink a little every hour, during the rest of the treatment, whose standard duration is three weeks, or the necessary time treatment, until you feel recovered. it is usually used by applying activated CD to the skin, followed by DMSO up to 10 times a day, every hour. Total for the day: 40 mlMalaria symptoms should disappear using this protocol for just one day. The person is then introduced raising the bag to the neck, closing firmly from the inside with the hands. by Andreas Kalcker. Please share it. Read more about our. Gabriela Segura, M.D. Transfer of data to organizations and authorities, as long as they are required in accordance with the legal and regulatory provisions. Prosecutors in Argentina are investigating Andreas Kalcker, who . Sponsored. It can cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.Normally these effects are generated by the release of toxins from the parasite itself when it dies. Read more about our. Today we had a fun conversation with Dr. Andreas Kalcker all the way from Spain. NEW - "Forbidden Health : Incurable Was Yesterday" by Andreas Kalcker. The producer of The Universal Antidote has a Telegram channel with a lot of videos and information about chlorine dioxide. Usually it begins with a low dose of 6 daily activated drops, adding them to a bottle of 1 to 1,5 liters of water, during the first 3 days; then the dose is increased to about 12 activated drops, adding them to a bottle of 1 to 1,5 liters of water, during the next 4 days; then up to 18 drops daily, adding them to a bottle of 1 to 1,5 liters of water, for 7 days, and finally up to 24 drops, adding them to a bottle of 1 to 1,5 liters of water, for a period of 7 days more.The daily dose should always be taken throughout the day, divided into 8 to 12 parts (marks can be made on the bottle). The O protocol or Ophthalmological / Nasal protocol consists of the manufacture of drops for ophthalmological or nasal use, the procedure is as follows:They are mixed in a small glass bottle with a polyethylene dropper (polyethylene (PE) is harder than rubber). The operation can be repeated several times a day (even once an hour). Evidence that all C0VID data is 100% false worldwide fraud uncovered! Revised Edition. Due to the multiple censorships received by social networks and video platforms, I have decided to launch a common project. There are reports of people who have used this protocol up to twice a day, for a long time, for serious illnesses, without having had negative side effects in most cases. mineral water.Weight 14-23 kg (30 to 50 pounds): 20 ml. It is applied up to 10 times a day maximum, spraying it on the skin, rubbing the diluted DMSO with the hand afterwards. 11 155 subscribers. This means CDS is officially recognized by the US government as a cure for most diseases. $100.00 + $4.35 shipping. ), This can be used for all kinds of insect bites, bitesspider or jellyfish. Dr. Andreas Kalcker, a well-known German biophysicist researcher based in Spain who has been successfully using CDS or Chlorine Dioxide to cure "COVID", has confirmed that Graphene Oxide is present in "all vaccines," as reported here: Andreas Kalcker's team confirms evidence of graphene oxide in 'vaccines'| July 23, 2021 The video interview where Dr. Kalcker and team broke the . 2.2 out of 5 stars 27. The spokesperson represents the UFIMA agency (Unidad Fiscal para la Investigacin de Delitos contra el Medio Ambiente) agency, which investigates medical crimes. $24.99 $ 24. If you want to slow down the evaporation process, you can add a tablespoon of water to the mixture.Activate 6 to 12 drops of CD without water in a glass. I know this is going to sound weird to some, but due to the current situation this is an attempt to create a simple order. Talk with your doctor and family members or friends about deciding to join a study. Please enable the javascript to submit this form, We use cookies to improve your experience on our website. A leader of a movement touting toxic bleach as a 'miracle' COVID-19 cure has been charged following a 5-year-old boy's death. Search the history of over 797 billion For general information, Learn About Clinical Studies. Facebook Twitter Reddit Pinterest Email LinkedIn StumbleUpon. DO NOT take / givemebendazole and metronidazole together. Andreas Kalcker es un autoproclamado doctor en ciencias (PhD) con ttulo y diplomas comprados que apoya el uso de la pseudoterapia con MMS, una solucin a base de dixido de cloro, que en realidad es leja industrial diluida al 28% y mezclada con cido ctrico.Es apoyado por la organizacin pseudocientfica Mindalia TV.. Ttulo. Another option is to take castor oil in capsules.Isotonic seawater:Mix 1 part of sea water with 3 parts of mineral water.Weight up to 14 kg (30 lbs): 10 ml. healthrevolution Get more information in the section booksor in the forum www.saludprohibida.com. For this, a high-end Zapper like the Biotrohn is better since it eliminates parasites in the blood without poisoning. In this video, at Timestamp 20mins , you will hear a really clear explanation of the difference between CDS and MMS so that you can decide what is better for you CHLORINE DIOXIDE SOLUTION VIDEO - TIMESTAMP 20 MINS - https://www.bitchute.com/video/gc2N6NSUPI9f/. This channel contains the protocols for CDS (chlorine dioxide solution) developed and used by Andreas Kalcker. This video explains how you can easily make your own Chlorine Dioxide. Some of you will wonder how can health be forbidden, because initially it does not make any sense at all. The child's parents believed, on the basis of misinformation spread by Kalcker and others, that the substance had the power to ward off COVID-19, legal documents previously reviewed by Insider said. 2023 Andreas Kalcker - Official Website. The valve opens and the colon begins to fill. Become an Expert and obtain the Official Diploma by Kalcker Institute . You can also use Neem capsules since the infusion is very bitter. Enemas in the most continuous way possible. Relief is usually felt just after applying. It's free. Context. The contact of the crest of SARS-CoV-2 RBM with the N-terminal helix of hACE2 is greater than for SARS-CoV-2RBM. It is recommended for medical personnel, therapists and others interested in the study of the latest and most effective treatments with oxidants, as well as their scientific and diverse therapeutic-technical in disinfection applications. Not just mask the symptoms, but actually attack problems at the sourcethe genetic level? Free shipping for many products! La verdadera revolucin sanitaria ha llegado. To date it does not give problems of side effects or unwanted interactions,and it does not usually cause diarrhea when completely absorbed in the stomach. Read more. In this video Dr Andreas Kalcker shares the wonderful work that he, and his colleagues across the globe, have been doing with Chlorine Dioxide Solution. * Why skin to skin contact is critical for life * The benefits of home birthing * And so much more! sea water + 60 ml. He says the treatment can help to eliminate pathogens, improve oxygen levels in the blood and increase energy. Date: July 2021. He lives in Switzerland and is a key figure in a sprawling movement that hails toxic bleach as a "miracle" medical treatment. The best position is to lie on the right side to facilitate easy penetration of the water. Clinical study with Chlorine DioxideCOVID-19, Due to the multiple masssive censorship exercised by social networks and video platforms, these are the available options to disseminate the information available. Insider understands that Kalcker has not been formally charged with any crimes. The removal of harmful toxins from our contaminated internal environment is the foundation for wellness. On the second day 2 ml of CDS are used in 1 l of water. 30 ml per liter of water. This protocol is essential in cases of chronic liver diseases, parasitosis, autism and other gastrointestinal diseases.Depending on the degree of the disease and the patient's condition, it is usually applied up to once a day, preferably at night, before sleeping. for any specific condition or disease. Andreas Kalcker responds to Gabriela Segura, M.D. Insider last year exposed how Kalcker was an architect of the shocking surge in popularity in South America of chlorine dioxide, also known as Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS). Before moving to Switzerland, Kalcker lived in Spain for several years. There are two ways to treat them: if it is a severe burn, it is preferable to apply CDS 0,3% (3000 ppm) directly as a spray, on top of the burn. Sign up for notifications from Insider! Contributed by Alexandra Bruce Contact. Delete in case of continuous diarrhea. Diatomaceous earth. In 2019, Amazon removed a dozen books by Kalcker and Jim Humble, the self-appointed archbishop of a church that advocates for MMS, after the company found the books to be false. Drink 1 cup on an empty stomach for 3 days in a row The rest of the days on an empty stomach, take the Aloe Vera gel with juice or water. Enemas in the most continuous way possible. If you want to know about other safe, effective and affordable treatments that are available for COVID-19 and all of its variants, click on the button below. The treatment is followed but not with more than three drops per hour. View Andreas Kalcker : why are treatments banned ? We have suffered the closure of channels in, Please enable the javascript to submit this form, We use cookies to improve your experience on our website. Do not add soap, perfume, shampoo, or children's toys, ensuring good ventilation in the bathroom.4. NASA labeled this substance 'The Universal Antidote' in 1987, because it can destroy ANY PATHOGEN in the human body. sea water + 150 to 450 ml. If there are no setbacks (and normally there are not), the dose can be increased from here each day, to 1 ml more per liter, until reaching 10 ml of CDS per liter of water. Ingls; Francs Any questions related to Chlorine Dioxide please access the Forbidden Health forum, also available at Android App. A dessert teaspoon twice a day with meals, preferably liquids. Kalcker, who is a devoted follower of Jim Humble, is one of the most active promoters of MMS in Germany and other German speaking countries. It is absorbed with a bulb eliminating the interior air and petroleum jelly or lubricating cream is applied to the tip of it. (= 6 to 12ml CDS). It is obvious that this cure for Covid must be hidden at all costs. For this, 1 ml of CDS is used for 500 ml of water distributed during the first day. More than five minutes is not necessary. Dr. Andreas Kalcker. Please Register or Login to post new comment. He worked in the 90s at the Centre for New Technologies in Barcelona He first licensed in economics and later in biophysics and alternative health (Ph.D). The most important drug interaction with Vermox (mebendazole) is Flagyl (metronidazole). He lives in Switzerland and is a key figure in a sprawling movement that hails toxic bleach as a miracle medical treatment. 1.0 out of 5 stars Impossible to read it is so poorly written! Stay up to date with what you want to know. Les vaccins COVID-19 sont interdits pour les enfants de moins de 18 ans dans les pays scandinaves. Periodically send communications about services, events and news related to the activities developed by ANDREASKALCKER.COM, by any means (telephone, postal mail or email), unless otherwise indicated or the user opposes or revokes their consent. Verified Purchase. Andreas Kalcker Protocols. The liquid is retained for about three minutes before evacuating.This protocol is optimal for anal fissures, hemorrhoids, and especially in prostate cancer where it is applied after each defecation. We are looking at a solution that can end the pandemic, now scientifically proven: CDS saves lives! [8][4] The lawyer filed the complaint before the Public Prosecutor's Office of Argentina for the commission of crimes against public health, arguing that the accused in a "completely fraudulent and illegal manner are selling the substance in question, putting in critical danger an innumerable number of Argentine compatriots". 20th & 21st May. The investigation was launched after the August 2020 death of a five-year-old boy in Neuquen, western Argentina, of multiple organ failure consistent with chlorine dioxide poisoning. Day 4 Mebendazole (two doses) 100 mg every twelve hours. There is no danger of infection, due to the fact that it is a disinfectant liquid, its effectiveness simply diminishes with the days. It was not the first delay previously the European lawmakers rescheduled the procedure from November 2022 to February 2023. In some sensitive cases, such as mucous membranes, it may be necessary to lower the concentration with a little water. Neem capsules can also be used.Castor oil: 1 teaspoon for younger children, 2 teaspoons for older children. Subsequently, it is introduced into the rectum, emptying the knob completely. Mebendazole (Vermox) does not interact with chlorine dioxide:Mebendazole (Vermox) if you interact with:TagametethotoinPenicillinZithromaxAmoxicillinmephenytoinCarbamazepineflagyl. In the procedure for acute malaria in adults according to Jim Humble, two single doses of 15 drops of activated CD are taken, plus a second dose of 15 drops of activated CD one to two hours later. Paperback. 4.3 MB. I want to present a new system of protocols by letters, the reason is simple since many times several protocols must be combined according to the disease, so the protocols can be easily combined for greater efficiency. . But Kalckers claims are based on bogus research and have not been verified by the scientific community. Men. Morning and afternoon. Enema. By browsing this website, you agree to our use of cookies. Current research shows that environmental factors such as stress, diet, the air we breathe, and aging can actually turn off genes, meaning the genetic instructions that dictate healthy body functions dont get through.What if there were a simple way to address this cellular breakdown? Their campaign gained traction with lawmakers from the left-wing populist MAS party. Day 1 Pyrantel Pamoate (single morning dose) 10 mg / kg, administered in a single dose together with some liquid. Uploaded by Add the activated CD in the bathtub and move to distribute it well. The clinical study showed that chlorine dioxide is effective in patients treated with oral ClO2, and that its use in the COVID-19 pandemic becomes and positions itself as a great hope for control of the pandemic, based on the scientific foundations revealed in previous research. Financially independent, he started researching the substance and was able to help heal his nephew of autism as well (using a double-barrel approach including MMS). A video on how to obtain chlorine dioxide from mixture of sodium chlorite NaCO2 and hydrochloric acid HCL by Andreas Kalcker Between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted oldid=1138037271, this contact andreas kalcker. Could learn about Clinical Studies a video going viral on the internet claims that self-proclaimed expert! This means CDS is officially recognized by the rope-300dpi_1024x608body explains how you can easily make your chlorine. First delay previously the European lawmakers rescheduled the procedure from November 2022 to February 2023, 18:08! Read it is introduced into the rectum, emptying the knob completely for this 1! With meals, preferably liquids versions being published on the second day 2 ml of CDS application in.! 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