going beyond scripture

Is highly recomended, presenting four distinctive views about going "beyond the Bible", in ethics and moral issues, each one written by serious scholar. Based on Saikowoods earlier post, you are not even familiar with the fact that Dr. Tony Evans is her father. Jeremiah 24:7. How is this different?. We only get to have the opinions of Christ as stated in the Bible. THIS LETTER WAS WRITTEN TO AN ANONYMOUS CHRISTIAN WOMAN WHO APPEARS TO OPEN HER HOME TO BELIEVERS FOR WORSHIP AND FELLOWSHIP. Opening Prayer. and also I feel you need to reach out to her for yourself. Next, youre not going to see an article like this from TGC or Challies. If you believe women shouldnt work, this includes you. You must be afraid of some things, or else you will be in trouble. Do you send women to your articles as a response? You are spot on. Beth and Priscilla both disobey this biblical instruction. Click on link: #FerventFridays - Week 1 - Your Passion. Also, if you will read the article hyperlinked at the very top of this article, right underneath the title, where it says, If youre considering commenting it will answer your objections- with Scripture. People Listen In Different Wayscan You Reach All Of Them? My wife is grateful because of the resources, and because of what she said is best described as like mindedness,(She is sitting beside me by the way!) That's a possibility, but a better plan is that Scripture is Holy Spirit inspired. And because of those issues, I deeply regret that I am not able to recommend her as I would like to. I hope youll find my response helpful anyway :0). If anyone has more info. My previous comment with the links was in answer to questions that you asked. TRUTH AND LOVE I think it should be obvious that a face to face discussion is different from a written one, so theres no need to go into that. But growth to spiritual maturity through the study of Gods word and faithful obedience to Him isnt what Priscilla is offering through this study. I knew she was his daughter, but Im completely unfamiliar with him or his doctrine. As Joshua was facing the end of his life, he challenged the people to chose, the choice they would make would define them as a people. Grr! 3 Tests Of Plagiarism: Do Your Sermons Pass Them. If our feelings, opinions, or experiences contradict Gods word, then those feelings, experiences, and opinions are wrong and we need to repent and believe Gods word instead. As you can see, she has warm words of praise and admiration for Serita Jakes (T.D.s wife). When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, He taught them: Pray then like this: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. 2. She also teaches false doctrine (things that either are at odds with Scripture or arent in Scripture at all) and partners with other false teachers (people who teach false doctrine). Often God reveals more through discussions and scripture references. Wow! It does NOT say, and be baptist. NOW, I have to preface this with this was MANY years ago. 7,400,364 journeys have been made to this site. John says virtually the same thing, and adds that to partner with false teachers is to take part in their wicked works. This article is more along the lines of a court case where youre on the jury and Im showing you the evidence of Priscilla Shirer breaking the law. The salvation of unreached people throughout history. Pentecostal. Was Jesus gossiping in Matthew 16:6, 11,12 when He said, Beware the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees? Can you please provide a list of female speakers/writers whom you do recommend? You should bring these points about Shirer up to your pastor if her studies are being pushed in your church. In a day and age where any type of hope is needed, especially to the unchurched, I would listen to either Beth Moore or Priscilla Shirer any day of the week over the news. I have to admit that I do not know the entire Biblical passage on this, As far as Priscilla, I am unsure of this. Maybe God wants to stretch you beyond here! Tools. It just says dont. Period. No-one is beyond reach. 3. Maybe references other than S. Michael Houdmann (I think Michael does a very nice job on his website but he and his wife started GotQuestions.org after he claims to have received a vision from God to help others and by your own admission, visions and feelings are not Godly direction.) (Im also about 90% Reformed if you didnt get a chance to look at my statement of faith page.). https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/christ-centered-silence-for-noisy-advent-season. No, I have not confronted Priscilla Shirer about her sin (and thank you for realizing that what shes doing is, in fact, sin). None. And this faith is . I'll start.I'll share with you 2 Scriptures that have given me soooo much comfort and encouragement these past few days and then I'll anxiously wait for you to share what Scripture(s) you have been meditating on lately, received a ton of comfort and encouragement from and/or used to encourage someone else. THE CALL? This article really turned me off on her. It means to trust that the Bible has all the answers and truths we need to live a holy and pleasing life before Godwe don't need anything beyond what God has provided for us in His Word (see 2 Peter 1:3 ). As an absolute newcomer to the blogosphere, I very much appreciate you taking the time to construct a Biblically based critique of false teaching. Priscilla Shirer is a wife and mom of three boys hailing from the Dallas area. Jesus taught us the way He wanted us to pray. Amber, you seem like a very dear sister, and I love you. Instead, she is dangling in front of Christian women an emotionally appealing and unbiblical carrot of miraculous and unique personal experiences with God instead of teaching them to properly study their Bibles and rely on Scripture alone for their doctrine and practices. So I was wondering if I could ask you a couple of questions regarding your comments before we begin our study? Jesus did that too, so did Samuel, so did Elijah . These are just a few of the dozens of examples available on YouTube and elsewhere of Priscilla Shirer preaching to men. Grace&Peace in Christ brother travis & sister tori, Thanks so much, Travis. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways And My thoughts than your thoughts. Well, man, if theres only going to be a handful of people experiencing what weve learned on the pewthen I want one of those to be me., The story of Joshua and Caleb being the only ones to enter the Promised Land has absolutely no connection whatsoever with how many Christians today will be able to achieve intimacy with God. #2 I wasnt aware that Joyce Meyer, Christine Caine and the Osteens were false teachers! What Priscilla and so many others do is pretty much the opposite of a parable. How can we be Christians who care? Romans 16:17-18 tells us were to mark false teachers and avoid them. Read 2 CHRONICLES 34:1-33 [1] Josiah was eight years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem thirty-one years. That is not what the Bible says that preachers and teachers are to do. (Ive addressed that here in case you might be interested.). If a pastor (or husband- Beth has also said she is acting under her husbands mantle of authority) tries to give her that authority, he is putting himself in the place of God who has prohibited it and he is sinning, too. Day and night they go around her upon her walls, And iniquity and mischief are in her midst. In closing out this conversation, I would strongly encourage you to continue practicing what youve said- just study your Bible in a systematic way, using good hermeneutics, and stay away from false teachers like Priscilla Shirer. The true bride will always go beyond the minimal requirements. 52-week preaching calendar to help you plan your sermons, Customizable sermon manuscripts for verse-by-verse preaching, Preach with creativity and impact throughout the year, [NEW YEAR] 4-Week Series to kick off 2023, [PRODUCTIVITY] Fulfill your full potential, [FOUNDATIONS] Getting back to what matters most. Is there some connection between this article on Priscilla Shirer and Israel that Im missing? There CAN be women from different denominations there, what is so wrong with that? The silence he describes in the paragraph titled Line 1 could easily be construed to mean mystical/contemplative (i.e. Matthew 14:15-16. -Opened new Im sorry, Im a little unclear. There are still some good, solid blogs over there (such as Kevin DeYoungs and Erik Raymonds), and they frequently put out helpful, doctrinally solid articles, but Ive chosen to use other sources instead. Thank you again. Could you point to me where Priscilla suggests that we empty our mind? There are two sources for fear: when we are caught up in something we did not count on, and when we are not in control. (These are not exhaustive lists, I just havent gotten to the next installmets yet :0) Do keep in mind that there are many fantastic male teachers out there, and its perfectly fine for women/womens groups to use materials written by men. Deuteronomy 6:4 ESV / 4 helpful votes Not Helpful "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. I and my attendants will fast as you do. read more, Scripture: I run into you everywhere man YouTube, Twitter, and now here lol. If you have Priscillas contact information and can get her to talk to me (Ive attempted to communicate with her several times and have been ignored), I will be delighted to discuss this issue and the entirety of this article with her. God speaks to us and teaches us through the careful study and preaching of His word, not through subjective voices, feelings, and experiences in the rhythms of everyday living (what, precisely, does that phrase even mean?) The problem at the Colossian church (the reason Paul wrote this epistle to them) was that false doctrine was starting to creep in. Pastor Chris Rosebrough explains why Priscillas twisting of John 10 to mean that we can hear God speak to us is unbiblical. So we both have been grateful ever sense, me personally because; as her husband she is my most important ministry, so besides Church, we do studies both together and private, and then share them with one another, we also pray together and so on, but i know (because i have learned, and it is also true of men) sometimes women need women.(Titus.2:3-4). - Theres lingering sin. Popular False Teachers & Unbiblical Trends, please click here and read this article first, Priscilla Shirer: YOUR Spiritual Battle & the Armor of God (Full Teaching) | Praise on TBN, What Are You Looking At | Priscilla Shirer | Hillsong East Coast, Women Teachers? Iam finding that more and moreChristians have to be told this. Introduction to Beyond Sunday Series: Do you have another links to her preaching or instructing men in the Scriptures? Our Ladies Bible Study started a new season on January 5 with Priscilla Shires Armor of God. However, from time to time, I get people who comment or send e-mails pretending to genuinely want help just so they can get their comments published and who then proceed to argue and twist Scripture in subsequent comments. Do you have any other examples? Isaiah 58:12. And to top that all off, shes beautiful and sharp as a tack. Michelle, what do you think about this article? I also dislike how she makes a career of telling women not to have careers. Part 11 - Matthew 9:32-38 - That's When Miracles Happen! Love Your Life 2018 (March 20, 2019) with Victoria Osteen and Terri Savelle Foy, Know Your God | Joyce Meyer and Priscilla Shirer (In this clip, Priscilla also gushes over Henry Blackaby who mishandles Scripture and teaches a form of mysticism. There are two crucial reasons for this. 7 Steps to Figuring it Out on Your Own helpful in understanding biblically whether or not someone is a false teacher. ), placing herself into scripture and thereby improperly luring women to God through personal experiences of Jesus instead of purely reading the Word of God. but any time I have been to a conference where these women spoke and I looked across an entire arena of seats, very very few of them were occupied by men. The Bible doesnt say anything of the sort. The last verse was a warning; this is an encouragement. But, yes, sometimes I do offer to send someone Im talking to (face to face) links to my articles, other peoples articles, books, sermons, etc., if theyd like to study an issue more. If you have followed me for any length of time, you have seen me raise this issue repeatedly regarding female Bible teachers and speakers. read more, Scripture: In keeping with the spirit of Titus 3:10-11, this is your second warning (the first is in the Welcome tab, which youve obviously already read) I will not engage in debate about biblical truth and I will not publish comments or respond to e-mails/messages attempting to engage me in debate. I would recommend reading the book reviews and listening to the sermon reviews. Jonah 2:10. GO FIGURE? God knew what He was doing. 1 Samuel 30:6-8, Denomination: in his justice and great righteousness, he does not oppress. There are And then help teach it to other women. Evangelical Dark Web. #1- Thank you so much for letting me know that link was broken. Jakes daughter), Priscilla Shirers promo page at Hillsong, Priscilla Shirer, featured speaker at Hillsongs 2016 Colour ConferencewithBrian Houston, Bobbie Houston, andChristine Caine. The result is that those doctrines and beliefs often conflict with Scripture because theyre not based on Scripture but a fallible personal experience. 2. I dont know half of your theological terminology, but I do know that I love Jesus and Im going to heaven, so Im just fine with that. Unfortunately, they depend on LifeWay to deliver sound material. Hope this helps, and thanks for the comment :0). When the angels had gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds began saying to one another, "Let us go straight to Bethlehem then, and see this thing that has happened which the Lord has made known to us." Mark 5:32 Verse Concepts And He looked around to see the woman who had done this. If it were, Paul, Jude, Peter, and even Jesus would be guilty of that sin. Remember what Hebrews 5:12-14 says: For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the basic principles of the oracles of God. Lord, thank You that You are the Good Shepherd and You speak and we hear Your voice. In fact, the Bible says the opposite. 1 Samuel 30: 6 And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the LORD his We would be unified around the truth of Scripture. Real hope is only found in the true Christ of Scripture, and thats not what Beth and Priscilla teach. I really dont want to study scripture with/ from someone who is knowingly sinning by leading His lambs astray. The Bible says dont do X, Beth Moore does X. Thats breaking Gods command, which is sin. Weve got to act on what the Bible says, not our own opinions. I have to do more research on how these powerhouse preachers are false teachers), teaching unbiblical prayer practices (I cant find where she teaches women about contemplative prayer~ but Im still lookin! Our ladies Bible study is just about to start a Priscilla Shirer study and I was doing some research on Priscilla and found your blog (whew! It will help you better understand biblical discernment and the fact that Jesus, Paul, John, Jude and others were pretty negative when it came to false teachers, too! Youre more than welcome to join the study if youd like. No, Im not violating Scripture by teaching men when they read or comment on my blog. Heres more info. August 11, 2002 AM As a Christian when we face difficulty God provides the means for us to be encouraged, but we are not just to languish in that resting place. It states our purpose to do only those things which are authorized by the Scripture. Theres plenty of video evidence of it and witnesses who could testify to it. Free Sermons and Sermon Outlines for Preaching : How To Respond To Newly-Delivered People Who Still Are A Mess. What we believe about that is irrelevant. God bless you, and keep up the good work sister! Olga Souders As I mentioned in my comment, I was here with my wife, completely of my own volition, in no way did Michelle do anything unbiblical. Rebekah gave the servant water but also volunteered to water the 10 camels as well. Often, when readers express their disagreement, they do so in a very vicious and attacking way, so I really appreciate it when someone politely expresses herself. And how their lives could be changed, too. Wolters begins with the shrewd observation that the four authors understand what moving beyond the Bible to theology means in at least four overlapping but distinguishable ways: (1) bringing the authority of Scripture to bear on issues that Scripture itself does not directly address (e.g., in contemporary bioethics); (2) dealing with ethically . Defining Moment; Joshua 24 Preached at Midway Community Church June 11, 2000; I have provided you video and audio evidence that Priscilla Shirer has done exactly that, and continues to do so unrepentantly. Glad to know i am not the only dude that reads this wonderful sisters blog. Did anything frighten you this morning? Have you ever pondered how a rubber band feels when a person stretches it beyond where it has been? What we believe about God must come from Scripture alone. Where does the Bible teach this? A large chunk of the New Testament (Matthew 7:15-23, 2 Peter 2, 2 Timothy 3:1-7, the book of Jude, and many other passages) is devoted to warning people against false teaching. Go beyond by faith. How does God regard false teachers, and how are we to deal with them in our personal lives and families, and as the church? Paul refuted public false teaching publicly many times. She goes beyond what is written in teaching men, in partnering with false teachers, in teaching unbiblical prayer practices, and in using improper hermeneutics. You decide. Though there are others, these are the major doctrinal errors in this video, which is less than four minutes of teaching from Priscilla. Let us look at it from a mindset point of view. Going Beyond Ministries is focused on the expository teaching of the Word of God. read more, Scripture: Id be interested, too! if there is a WOMENS Conference, and books written for women, and Bible Studies written for women, all of them are geared to women, they cant really help men being in attendance of their own perogative, On October 16, 2016, Priscilla and her husband, children, and mother were in attendance at T.D. There is no way to be saved by putting your faith in a false christ. And the Bible says that women are not to preach to or instruct men, or to hold authority over men in the gathered body of Believers, the church. As a womens leader at your church are you not often asked questions to clarify your personal views? There are two ways in which living in Christ helps us live beyond our fears: knowing that He is completely trustworthy, and doing as He calls us to do. *It's always a good idea to look back over life and think about the people who have made a difference: People who helped us in a time of need. Not from Scripture. What do you consider important/non-important and vital/non-vital, and on which Scriptures do you make these distinctions? This title is taken directly from the text; verse 37 tells us that the people were astonished beyond measure. read more, Scripture: Like you, I also dont understand why believers behave the way they do- taking to task those who stand firmly upon the truth of Gods word instead of rebuking and rejecting false teachers such as Priscilla Shirer, when this is so clearly what Scripture says to do. Genesis 24:1-4. He was one of the founding fathers of the heretical Word of Faith/New Apostolic Reformation movement and a mentor to Ken Copeland, whos also a Word of Faith/New Apostolic Reformation heretic. 2 Timothy 4:5 Verse Concepts Its very easy to think of Priscilla and think, Whats not to love?. How to Live Beyond Yourself We can experience fullness of life by acknowledging our weakness, putting our past behind us, striving toward a worthy goal, and going for broke. Thats why I said may have been. Whether that particular moment in time was, in fact, the moment that Priscilla was introduced to false doctrine and false teachers can be debated, but the fact of the matter is that she came under the influence of false teachers at some point and still unequally yokes herself to them and teaches false doctrine today. All comments are handled manually, and I do not publish comments which promote false doctrine. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I think the following articles will be helpful in answering your question: You might also want to take a look at the other articles in my Rock Your Role series. If you dont trust the evidence Ive presented here, I encourage you to do your own research. 2:57- Do you know that of the original two million Jewish people only two actually ever made it? Romans 4:18 Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be. Let's find out as we begin this study in discernment, Choose What Is Right. :0). Ive read her own account explaining this. And if I perish, I perish. Thats a rare find these days. In a day and age where any type of hope is needed, especially to the unchurched, I would listen to either Beth Moore or Priscilla Shirer any day of the week over the news. Evangelical/Non-Denominational. Baptist. Our desire is not only for all to understand His written Word but for all to experience His Power! INTRODUCTION Could you please show me the Bible verse that says were supposed to be happy for people who achieve financial and popularity success by twisting Gods word, teaching false doctrine, and walking in disobedience to Him? Though the Bible allowed provisions for indentured servitude, which was a humane alternative to such harsh punishments for failure to pay one's debts, such as d All you need to say is simply 'Yes' or 'No'; anything beyond this comes from the evil one. I attended a conference with Beth Moore, whom I know you have accused also of teaching and preaching to men, and before she began she said that she was there under the guidance of her pastor and that if men were present, they should understand that her teachings were meant for women. And, sometimes, basic is enough. You just dont have enough time or energy to respond to every Tom, Dick and Mary.). Your sermon reminded me about Peace of God and Love Also, the small sources dont have skin in the book and lecture circuit game. Again, just because its your opinion that theres nothing wrong with it doesnt mean its OK if the Bible says otherwise. Assembly Of God. Notice the emphasis around the 1:37 mark on peoples personal experiences (praying for miracles, etc.) Genesis 24:15-20, Denomination: What Ive given you here are not my personal views. My personal views dont matter, and neither do yours. I dont follow TGC any more. Now to Him who, in exercise of His power that is at work within us, is able to do infinitely beyond all our highest prayers or thoughts-- World English Bible Now to him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, Young's Literal Translation - Jonah didnt smell good. The purpose is that none of you will be arrogant, favoring one person over another. read more, Scripture: For example, the Bible clearly says that women are not to preach to or teach men in the church (2 Timothy 2:12). Matthew 18 does not apply to public false teaching. Now, I believe I have clearly answered all of your questions both here, in the article, and in the Additional Resources section, so let me add just one extra thing. Philippians 4:13 Verse Concepts I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. Im surprised to hear thats her position. Priscilla Shirer: Living Your Life For Christ (Full Teaching) | Praise on TBN (February 18, 2021) Priscilla speaks at Christine Caines Propel Womens Conference. Tonight at church he came up and thanked me for sharing and said he hated that these studies got past him. Luke 9:1-10:20, Denomination: - Jonah 2:10. Are they preaching from a church pulpit on a Sunday morning as a pastor would? Going Beyond Ministries with Priscilla Shirer The Mercy of Our Great God (March 24, 2017) Priscilla preaches the Sunday sermon at Celebration Church (co-pastored by a woman), Priscilla Shirer: YOUR Spiritual Battle & the Armor of God (Full Teaching) | Praise on TBN (May 21, 2021) Priscilla preaching to a co-ed audience at Passion 2018, Special Guest Priscilla Shirer (October 11, 2015) Priscilla preaches the Sunday sermon at The Refuge Church (co-pastored by a woman), What Are You Looking At | Priscilla Shirer | Hillsong East Coast (October 4, 2020) Priscilla preaches the Sunday sermon for Hillsong East Coast, Women Teachers? For Serita Jakes ( T.D.s wife ) some things, or else you will be trouble..., Whats not to love? case you might be interested, too what... In case you might be interested. ) welcome to join the if! Saved by putting your faith in a false Christ says otherwise Him who strengthens me what the Bible says not. 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