uscgc bibb crew list

Bibb was underway on 9 November 1942 screening the right flank of a west bound convoy of eight ships. Seventh Fleet, RADM Rudden, send her a message: "As you depart the Cruiser-Destroyer Group, Seventh Fleet, your performance is noted with pleasure. It was a combination ocean station patrol and search and rescue operation that brought Bibb and her crew international recognition when, while operating on Ocean Station Charlie on 14 October 1947, the transoceanic airliner Bermuda Sky Queen was forced to make a landing during a gale with high winds and in rough seas when the flying boat ran low on fuel. On the 11th she anchored in Buckner Bay and acted as flagship for Task Group 52.9 until 1 December 1945, when she departed for the United States. On the 27th she went to the assistance of USS Narragansett (ATF-88) and floating drydock ARDC-12. At 0809, a large explosion was observed on a ship in the convoy. The convoy arrived at New York on the 30th and Bibb moored at Brooklyn Navy Yard with an availability period until 10 June 1944. On 1 May 1965 the Treasury class vessels were re-designated as High Endurance Cutters or WHEC. On 10 September 1945, the Commander, Mine Craft, shifted his flag to Terror, and the Bibb became relief flagship for RADM Arthur D. Struble, USN, newly appointed Commander, Mine Craft. On the 15th USS Edwards (DD-619) departed for Bermuda, her sound gear inoperative. The plane disappeared in a smoke screen. She returned to Kerama Retto, next morning and remained anchored there for the balance of June. The temperature of the water was 50 degrees, so that the survivors who wore winter underclothing suffered less in the water. The cutters Bibb and Ingham were temporarily attached to a British escort force for SC-118s trans-Atlantic journey. Bibb is credited with destroying one Japanese kamikaze aircraft in action at Karema Retto. On the 27th two merchant vessels were detached for New York. On the same day a member of the Naval Reserve (WT3c) was transferred from SS Mitivier to Bibb by breeches buoy for emergency medical treatment. Call Sokolove Law right now at (800) 647-3434 if you've been diagnosed with mesothelioma or another asbestos-related disease. On the 3rd information received was that there were some indications that enemy submarines were nearing the convoy. Rescue operations continued throughout forenoon, 202 survivors being taken from three lifeboats and numerous rafts. From April to August of 1945 she participated in the assault on Okinawa, surviving numerous kamikaze attacks. The cutter Bibb was named for George Motier Bibb, a prominent lawyer and jurist in Kentucky. that had fired and dropped three depth charges. MK-2 Browning MG, 2 x MK-13 high altitude parachute flare mortars. The support included providing fuel, food, water, ammunition, maintenance repair, battle damage repair, and medical services. The Bibb also visited many foreign ports on her deployment, many of which she had sailed into during World War II. The Bibb continued searching until sunset when she was relieved by CGC Dallas (WHEC-716) which had sailed from New York. History An hour later a Netherlands war vessel joined the task force as an anti-aircraft ship. . The New York section of the convoy began breaking off on the 26th, with Ingham, as senior escort with four Navy destroyers, and the rest of the convoy stood into Chesapeake Bay entrance. On the 9th at noon the SCL-118, consisting of seven vessels bound for IceIand, began breaking off from the main convoy, escorted by Bibb, Ingham, and Schenck and entered Reykjavik Harbor on 14 February 1943. Lookouts aboard the Bibb sighted one of the Mallory's lifeboats at 1000 and, disobeying an order to return to the convoy, Bibb's commanding officer, CDR Roy Raney, ordered his cutter to begin rescuing survivors. On two occasions she sent a medical team ashore to the fishing village of Song Ong Doc in An Xuyen Province, approximately 150 miles southwest of Saigon. . 1966: 10 officers, 3 warrants, 133 enlisted. In September 1972 she medevaced crewman from the Greek merchant vessel SS Christia midway between Bermuda and the Azores. At 0448 on the 21st she attacked a sound contact with a barrage of depth charges with undetermined results, due to darkness and haze. One convoyed vessel detached for Horta, Azores on the 20th and two joined. In a Coast Guard press release, Radarman Second Class Richard Nielsen of New Bedford, described the mission that took place on 24 November 1968: "South Vietnamese junks landed Regional Force troops and their U.S. Army advisors on the west side of the island while other troops came up from An Thoi. Pin it. At 0115 Bibb, at general quarters, began making smoke to cover sector one of the convoy. Thirteen merchant ships under escort of Bibb and ComCorDiv 45, consisting of six Coast Guard-manned destroyer escorts, proceeded to New York, while the remainder, under the Navy manned-destroyer escorts of ComCorDiv 67, detached for New York. The convoy began break-off operations on the 7th. Bibb continued at anchor in Kerama Retto until 7 July 1945 when she proceeded to Buckner Bay, where she anchored remaining through the 16th. Bibb was underway again on 9 June 1943 as flagship of Task Force 66 in company with Ingham and six Navy destroyers and six French escort vessels. This photo provides a good view of her forward 5-inch 51-caliber main batterythe one in the foreground, mounted on the main deck, was removed and replaced with a 3-inch 50 caliber dual-purpose battery. On the 7th she stood up Chesapeake Bay and carried out various exercises and then proceeded to Norfolk, mooring at the Navy Yard there on 12 February 1945. On 3 August 1942, Bibb, with escort commander in the cutter Ingham (WPG-35), was again on convoy duty. Part I [Escorts]. Dedicated also to the Bibb Shipmates Assc. Also, on one of these occasions a working party laden with paint and brushes accompanied the medical team and assisted the villagers in painting a church. Their primary task was to report meteorological information, which was used in weather forecasts for the burgeoning trans-Atlantic commercial air traffic as well as for surface vessels. The ship was sunk in November 1987 just outside the coral reef tract, about six miles (10km) offshore of the island of Key Largo. At first light on 1 July, a rescue aircraft from Air Station Elizabeth City was on scene and assisting in the search. The Bibb undergoes conversion for combat as an anti-submarine warship and convoy escort in October, 1941. The breakdown had been caused by the tripping of circuit breakers on the main switchboard and within 35 minutes Bibb had again shifted to power steering. On the 28th she moored at Argentia. Proceeding to the area she searched with Modoc without results. During November 1944 through 29 January 1945, Bibb remained at the Charleston Navy Yard, undergoing conversion to an AGC [Amphibious Command & Control] vessel, her designation being then changed to WAGC-31. The Bibb was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation for her participation in "Operation Sea Lords" from October to December 1968. The conversion to AGCs consisted of the removal of most of their heavy armament, the addition of more anti-aircraft weaponry, and the construction of enclosed rooms for the addition of 35 radio receivers and 25 radio transmitters. Within two hours after being brought aboard, all survivors had been fed, showered, wrapped in blankets and placed on mattresses on the mess deck and in the engineer's passageway. Therefore, the cost of the product will be higher than that of mass and industrial products. Three destroyer escorts left to escort three of these detached ships, two of the escorts returning on the 20th and 21st. It turned out to be the stern of a torpedoed tanker, with no signs of life on board, though one boat and one raft remained on board. FS's: The Little Ships That Could: A History of the Campaigns in the Pacific and the Personal Experiences of the Author on the U.S. Army FS-268. On the 15th Bibb sighted the west-bound trans-Atlantic convoy and delivered five ships, Ingham having delivered two earlier on the same date. At the end of World War II, each Secretary Class cutter was returned to her peace-time makeup. From 26 November to 16 December she served on Ocean Station Bravo. In 1981 Bibb conducted a six-week patrol that included two training stops and several rescues. On the 11th the convoy became scattered about noon by winds of gale force and heavy seas but was reformed six hours later. She sailed to Ocean Station Charlie again in April of 1960 and in June and July of 1960 she served on Ocean Station Echo. Formulates and enforces safety standards for U.S. commercial vessels and offshore structures. On 7 February 1943, the U-402 torpedoed SS Henry S. Mallory, a troop transport, bound for Iceland, after the Mallory straggled behind the convoy. Bibb saw service in World War II. Hellcat fighters were being vectored to intercept the raid. On the 10th the cutter stood out for Casco Bay, Maine, where she held exercises and drills until the 18th, when she departed for Hampton Roads. The vessel was identified as the Norwegian SS Mosdale bound for Liverpool. Two depth charges were fired on an undersea contact with no visible effects. Five minutes later the ship on which the explosion had occurred sank, bow first. She was relieved on 30 November by submarine chasers and arrived at Guantanamo Bay on 1 December 1943. On the next morning, 1 September 1942 at 1110, Bibb made a sound contact and five minutes later dropped a barrage of six small and two large depth charges. 1943: 2 x 5"/51 (single mount);4 x 3"/50 (single mounts); 2 x 20mm/80 (single); 1 x Hedgehog; 2 (?) Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. This standardization saved moneyalways paramount in the Coast Guards considerationsand the cutters were built in U.S. Navy shipbuilding yards. During these missions she fired 2,760 rounds from her 5"/38 main battery, destroying 30 structures, 11 sampans, and four bunkers, while damaging 145 structures, 11 sampans and four bunkers--killing three and wounding 30 of the enemy. In the fall she steamed to Ocean Station Bravo, where she served from 27 September to 17 October 1973. At the end of World War II, each Secretary Class cutter was returned to her peace-time makeup. In the words of one naval historian, John M. Waters, Jr., they were truly their nations maritime workhorses. Waters continued: the 327s battled, through the Bloody Winter of 1942-43 in the North Atlanticfighting off German U-boats and rescuing survivors from torpedoed convoy ships. The cutter Bibb was named for George Motier Bibb, a prominent lawyer and jurist in Kentucky. Additional star shells were fired an hour later, indicating another torpedoing. The Bibb launched a motor life boat to recover the men in the raft while Bibb was rolling up to 40-degrees in the heavy seas. Again on the 29th, On the morning of 6 May 1945, at 0846, SOPA warned that bogeys as well as many friendly planes were within four miles. Shortly afterwards the convoy was secured from general quarters as the contact proved to be negative. She returned to Boston, where she was home-ported until October of 1973. The ship was 327 feet in length, with a draft of 12 and a half feet. On the 27th she stood out of Palermo and on the 28th, following gunnery and tactical exercises, the task force relieved HMS Shield as escort for convoy GUS-53. The Bibb was relieved of escort duty on 8 August and proceeded independently to the Brooklyn Navy Yard and moored. Those who did not make it into a life raft died from hypothermia. The torpedo struck in a hold occupied by Marines, which probably accounted for the relatively small number of Marines rescued. Auxiliary diesel power for radio and lighting systems was cut in and the cutter shifted to hand steering. Men felt it the minute he took command and there was not a man on the ship who would not go the extra mile for the old man. She departed Manzanillo on the 3rd and reached Pearl Harbor on the 11th. He was born on 30 October 1776 in Prince Edward County, Virginia. One of Ingham's crew described the scene, a dreadfully common one along the North Atlantic that year: "I never saw anything like it, wood all over the place and bodies in life jackets never saw so many dead fellows in my whole life. Made in 1940, this U.S. Coast Guard film shows the Cadet Cruise made by the USCG's class of 1940. On 6 July 1942 the Bibb was moored in Hvalfjordur, Iceland, while part of the officers and soundmen received training on the anti-submarine attack teacher aboard HMS Blenheim. When completed on the 15th the convoy formation consisted of 12 columns of ships. On the 9th the Casablanca section, escorted by two destroyers, joined the main convoy. 2 x MK-13 high altitude parachute flare mortars. Standing out of Reykjavik harbor on 21 September 1942 Bibb awaited the assembly of a convoy of two columns of five ships each which was underway by 1600. On the 21st a doctor from Babbitt was transferred to Bibb to treat that ship's doctor who had been stricken with pneumonia. Bibb Cutter File, US Coast Guard Historian's Office. Next day the Bibb fired her starboard thrower in an embarrassing attack on what was probably a non-submarine. On the 25th a plane reported sighting a submarine diving 14 miles from the convoy and the Bibb increased speed to search the area. The 5th was spent covering the rear of the convoy. The search was discontinued. A few minutes later another raft was sighted dead ahead and two survivors of SS Bonneville were taken aboard. On the 18th Portent made a depth charge attack on the starboard quarter of the convoy. She was soon assigned to duty with Coast Guard Squadron Three in Vietnam which had been established to support the Navy's Operation Market Time. She remained in South Boston Navy Yard until 16 January 1943 undergoing repairs to her hull and machinery. On the fourth trip, the surfboat, taking on water after being battered against the hull of Bibb, began to sink. Four hours later Orbis was underway to rejoin. Dropping a 600 lb. Radio Call Sign: NRDBCost: $2,468,460.00Keel Laid: 15 August 1935Launched: 14 January 1937Commissioned: 10 March 1937Decommissioned: 30 September 1985Disposition: Sunk as an artificial reef off the Florida Keys on 28 November 1987Builder: Charleston Navy Yard, Philadelphia, PADisplacement: 2,350 (1936)Length: 327 0Beam: 41 0Draft: 12 6 (max. These had only recently been implemented on a suggestion by then CDR Edward H. "Iceberg" Smith, LCDR George B. Gelly, and a more influential suggestion by President Franklin Roosevelt. Seven similar "combat cutters" were built and named for secretaries of the United States Treasury. Oil was still rising in the area. The convoy consisted of 102 merchant ships. The contact was not regained after the last attack. On the 27th USS Chase (DE-158) departed for Gibraltar and on the 2nd the main convoy stood up the main channel through Gibraltar straits. USCGC SPENCER (WMEC 905) Commanding Officer, CDR Corey M. Kerns. After she returned to service, Bibb undertook a cadet cruise to Bermuda and then to Europe. On the 13th, sixteen merchant vessels detached for Algiers while 23 merchant vessels joined from that port. The rescue demonstrated the utility and importance of the ocean station program and historian Robert E. Johnson noted that "The Bermuda Sky Queen incident must rank with the Coast Guard's outstanding rescue feats.". She first underwent an equipment test by the Naval Underwater Systems Center in Long Island Sound. After conversion to an AGC, done in the Charleston Navy Yard between 17 October 1944 and 29 January 1945. On the 13th, sixteen merchant vessels detached for Algiers while 23 merchant vessels joined from that port. First Class Hospitalman James Jones of South Portsmouth, Kentucky, added: "After the fighting we treated one of the South Vietnamese soldiers for wounds in the right arm and leg. On 10 November 1984 she seized the Turkish motor vessel SS Captain Joe 100 miles east of Honduras for carrying 11.5 tons of marijuana. She then proceeded to Hvalfjordur, returning to Reykjavik on the 5th. All came in at low altitude and seemed to approach a target from the stern, going into a steep glide shout 800 yards on the quarter of their target. 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