constant product market makers

Chainlink Price Feeds already underpin much of the DeFi economy and play a key role in helping AMMs accurately set asset prices and increase the liquidity available to traders. Market makers like Citadel can be found in all types of markets from equity to currency exchanges to forex markets and are regarded as an important part of a well functioning and liquid market. AMMs have become a primary way to trade assets in the DeFi ecosystem, and it all began with a blog post about on-chain market makers by Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin. And when demand is low, the price is also lower. the price is also high. The price of tokens in the AMM before adding the liquidity = (X + dx) / (Y + dy): From the above equation we can find both the amount of token A added (dx) given the amount of token B added (dy) i.e what is dy given dx ? The first and most well-known AMM is the Constant Product Market Maker (CPMM), first released by Bancor in the form of bonding curves within "smart token" contracts, and then further popularized by Uniswap as an invariant function [2][3]. equal to a constant). This also holds true for AMMs. tokens that the pool is holding. What Are Automated Market Makers (AMMs)? Liquidity pools can be optimized for different purposes, and are proving to be an important instrument in the DeFi ecosystem. Stableswap) had the insight that if the underlying assets are relatively stable-priced (e.g. Since AMMs usually have a fee, the product of the reserves is not really a constant in practice. So in the next part, well see how the mathematics refers to how easily one asset can be converted into another asset, often a fiat currency, without affecting its market price. These AMM exchanges are based on a constant function, where the combined asset reserves of trading pairs must remain unchanged. prediction markets). a ETH/USDC pool, ETH is priced in terms of USDC and USDC is priced in terms of ETH. Excessive Trading? current reserve of token 0 + the amount were selling. . Instead of matching buyers and sellers in an orderbook, these liquidity pools act as an automated market maker. The portfolio value is concave in the relative price of pool assets, short volatility, and can be effectively hedged in the same manner as a vanilla option. The pool gives us some amount of token 1 in exchange ($\Delta y$). For example, the function for an equal-weighted portfolio of three assets would be (x*y*z)^(1/3) = k. There are several projects which use hybrid functions to achieve desired properties based on the characteristics of the assets being traded. Product-market fit is a moving target. Such a situation would destroy one side of the liquidity pool, leaving all of the liquidity residing in just one of the assets and therefore leaving no more liquidity for traders. By overcoming an economics problem known as the coincidence of wants, CFMMs allow for an exchange to occur immediately, which could be important for certain use-cases (e.g. However, the execution price is 0.666, so we get only 133.333 of token 1! As I mentioned in the previous section, there are different approaches to building AMM. Unlike . Constant Product AMMs are simple to implement and understand. This new method of exchanging assets embodies the ideals of Ethereum, crypto, and blockchain technology in general: no one entity controls the system, and anyone can build new solutions and participate. This new technology is decentralized, always available for trading, and does not rely on the traditional interaction between buyers and sellers. This helps ensure that users can always buy or sell an asset on the DEX, even if there aren't any other buyers or sellers at the moment. For example, the proposed market makers are more robust against slippage based front running attacks. Understanding this math is crucial to build a Uniswap-like DEX, but it's totally fine if you don't understand everything at this stage. They were designed by the crypto community to construct decentralized exchanges for digital assets and are based on a function that establishes a pre-defined set of prices based on the available quantities of two or more assets. is a "consistent payoff function",[8] that is, a payoff function which is concave, nonnegative, nondecreasing, and 1-homogenous, it is possible to construct a trading function which achieves is increasing. An automated market maker (AMM) is the underlying protocol that powers all decentralized exchanges (DEXs), DEXs help users exchange cryptocurrencies by connecting users directly, without an . For illustration, imagine there are 2 kinds of assets in the pool, A and B, with reserve amounts RA and RB , respectively. Saint Fame further legitimized the concept by selling shirts, Zora generalized the concept by creating a marketplace for limited-edition goods, and I expect to see many more projects using CFMMs for this use-case. A Constant Function Market Maker is a class of AMMs where the reserves of the assets in the pool can only change in a way that satisfies a certain mathematical relationship. If CFMMs are largely path-independent (assuming minimal fees), which means that the price of any two quantities depends only on those quantities and not on the path between them. Uniswap is the most popular AMM on Ethereum. (DEX). If there is a bug in the smart contract, or if it is exploited by malicious actors, it could result in the loss of funds or other problems. buy a smaller amount. Decentralized exchanges (DEXes) are an essential component of the nascent decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem. {\displaystyle \varphi } The law of supply and demand tells us that when demand is high (and supply is constant) The CPMM spreads liquidity out equally between all prices, automatically adjusting the price in the . money markets, he emphasized that AMMs should not be the only available option for decentralized trading. Previous Multiple Fee Tiers Next StableSwap Invariant Market Maker (SIMM) Last modified 3mo ago Instead of relying on the traditional buyers and sellers in a financial market, AMMs keep the DeFi ecosystem liquid 24/7 via liquidity pools. The prices of assets on an AMM automatically change depending on the demand. (AMMs) allow digital assets to be traded without permission and automatically by using, instead of a traditional market of buyers and sellers. If an AMM doesnt have a sufficient liquidity pool, it can create a large price impact when traders buy and sell assets on the DeFi AMM, leading to capital inefficiency and impermanent loss. Synthetix is a protocol for the issuance of synthetic assets that tracks and provides returns for another asset without requiring you to hold that asset. AMMs provide liquidity to the DEX by constantly buying and selling assets in order to keep prices stable. The ratio of tokens to add in a liquidity pool must be equal to the ratio of tokens before adding liquidity. ETH/BTC). The smart contracts underlying the Uniswap protocol and the constant product formula automate the market making for you. Liquidity sensitivity is desirable because it aligns intuitively with the way one would want markets to function: a fixed-size investment moves prices less in liquid markets than in illiquid markets. Available at SSRN 3808755, 2021. Anyone with an internet connection and in possession of any type of ERC-20 tokens can become a liquidity provider by supplying tokens to an AMMs liquidity pool. Users may contribute their assets to the CFMM's inventory, and receive in exchange a pro rata share of the inventory, claimable at any point for the assets in the inventory at that time the claim is made.[1]. The product of updated reserves must still equal $k$. Market makers are entities tasked with providing liquidity for a tradable asset on an exchange that may otherwise be illiquid. And we dont even need to calculate the prices! The essence of current versions of automated market makers is best expressed through the constant product equation: x * y = k. Based on it, if a swap pool owns some units of token x and some units of token y, it prices trades so that the quantities of x and y resulting after the trade, when multiplied, are equal to a fixed constant, k. In this constant state of balance, buying one ETH brings the price of ETH up slightly along the curve, and selling one ETH brings the price of ETH down slightly along the curve. Only when new liquidity providers join in will the pool expand in size. The change in $y$ is the amount of token 1 well get. Not only do AMMs powered by Chainlink help create price action in previously illiquid markets, but they do so in a highly secure, globally accessible, and non-custodial manner. Many of first-generation AMMs are limited by impermanent loss and low capital efficiency, which impacts both liquidity providers and traders. Eleven buyers are willing to buy at the following prices: $15, $14, $13, $12, $11, $10, $9, $8, $7, $6, $5. Only when new liquidity providers join in will the pool expand in size. In practice, because Uniswap charges a 0.3% trading fee that is added to reserves, each trade actually increases k. A constant product function forms a hyperbola when plotting two assets, which has a desirable property of always having liquidity as prices approach infinity on both sides of the spectrum. This is true, and states that trades must not change the product (. Notice that each of these formulas is a relation of reserves ($x/y$ or $y/x$) An interesting area of research would be to analyze the profit-maximizing fee that balances trade incentivization with liquidity incentivization. the larger the liquidity pool, the lower the price slippage) but there are additional dimensions that could be dynamic. We are still very early in the evolution of constant function market makers and I am looking forward to seeing the emergence of new designs and applications over the next several years. The name 'constant product market' comes from the fact that, when the fee is zero (i.e., = 1), any trade to must change the reserves in such a way that the product R R AMMs use a constant product formula . Impermanent loss is the difference in value over time between depositing tokens in an AMM versus simply holding those tokens in a wallet. Constant Function Market Makers This chapter retells the whitepaper of Uniswap V2. $$\Delta x = \frac{x \Delta y}{r(y - \Delta y)}$$. a - Number of Tokens of A the trader has . Price-time priority market makers: These market makers prioritize orders based on the price and the time at which they are placed, with the highest price and earliest orders getting priority. So, if the price of token A increases, the price of token B must decrease in order to keep the constant product equal to the constant. In order for the market maker to not give away assets for free, over the inventory amounts (commonly referred to as reserves),[7] such that the market maker only accepts trades which leave Agents who interact with CFMMs are incentivized to correctly report the price of an asset and thus the decentralized exchange becomes a good on-chain price oracle that other smart contracts can query as a source of truth. Such a simple formula guarantees such a powerful mechanism! Automated Market Making: Theory and Practice, Improved Price Oracles: Constant Function Market Makers, Research Partner @ 1kx // Alum Blockchain@Berkeley, Berkeley-Haas, studied extensively in academic literature, Explain the difference between automated market makers and constant function market makers, Explore the pros & cons of constant function market makers and discuss future directions of CFMM designs and use-cases, It provides a minimum representation of state: we only need to know the. Various types of AMMs are examined, including: Constant Product Market Makers; Constant Mean Market Makers; Constant Sum Market Makers; Hybrid Function Market Makers; and, Dynamic Automated Market Makers. The job of the pool is to give The profit extracted by arbitrageurs is siphoned from the pockets of liquidity providers, creating a loss. Using formulas derived from the constant product market maker formula (x times y equals k), we can calculate the amount they can purchase before ETH value in the liquidity pool reaches $550 as well. These Liquidity sensitivity for todays CFMMs is limited to price (i.e. Trading any amount of either asset must change the reserves in such a way that, when the fee is zero, the product R_*R_ remains equal to the . We show that the constant sum (used by mStable), constant product (used by Uniswap and Balancer), constant reserve (HOLD-ing), and constant harmonic mean trading functions are special cases of the constant power root trading function. The secret ingredient of AMMs is a simple mathematical formula that can take many forms. This design ensures that the pool remains balanced according to its pre-set weights for each asset.

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