crazy things that happened in 2005

But in some horrifying cases, murderers choose to kill people at random. Liston was renowned for being one of the fastest surgeons alive, which at the time was a very good thing. "Transcript of John Glenn's Official Communication with the Command Center (1962)." While most astronomers weren't actually that worried, a nervous public latched on to the claims of people like French astronomer and author Camille Flammarion, who claimed the poison would smother all life on the planet. One should always "prepare for the worst and hope for the best". Then some guy called her back over to the table where he was sitting. Slumdog Millionaire took the world by storm, grossing $377 million. On Oct. 2, John Allen Muhammed and Lee Boyd Malvo climbed into a blue Chevrolet Caprice and headed toward an Aspen Hill, Maryland, craft store on a deadly mission. Despite reassurances from experts, people were worried. Demi Moore adopted, err, married Ashton Kutcher! The wave struck on Dec. 26, 2004, with a catastrophic force usually confined to apocalyptic action flicks. And back then, the smart phone wasn't an immediate smash hit, only selling 717,000 during its first quarter, according to Forbes. Hurricane Katrina Causes the Loss of life of 1,577 in Louisiana, Hurricane Katrina Causes the Loss of life of 238 in Mississippi, Many Of Those who stay behind take refuge on rooftops ( Water is over 15 feet deep ) waiting for rescue, The United States Coast Guard begin rescue operations soon after the worst of the storm is over, many are taken to Louisiana Superdome, Mississippi 90% of the buildings along the Biloxi-Gulfport coastline are destroyed worst effected areas Hancock County ( Waveland, Bay St. Louis, Pearlington, and Clermont Harbor. Before the company's founding in 2006, we had to get through our days without recognizing the 13 Potatoes That Look Like Channing Tatum nor the 14 Cats Who Think Theyre Sushi. The vice president of PepsiCo attended an American "exhibition" in Moscow in 1959 as part of an effort to convince the Soviet Union of the benefits of capitalism. The medication that led to his death prompted an investigation of Jackson's personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray. "As I walked out [of the President's Oval Office] I thought I might never live to see another Saturday night" [source: National Security Archive]. An entire town in Nevada basically invented the concept of the "Wild West" by staging gunfights, bank robberies, and other Western cliches from 1800s dime novels. on his bagpipes before being knocked unconscious by a grenade. Katrina roared onshore as a Category 3 storm on Aug. 29, 2005, spreading destruction from Texas to Florida. 3. 6. iPhonesBelieve it or not, the iPhone wasn't invented until 2007. And it was the proto-example of twentysomethings moving to California to create a company and. The year 2010 wasn't all fun and games. Destiny's Child announced their official breakup, and we cried all the tears. Might a serial killer strike your neighborhood and endanger your family? Each time a suitor wanted to challenge Khutulun, she required them to wager some of their horses in case she was the winner. Despite the efforts, the countries most affected are still in the process of rebuilding, and many may never be the same. Your source for entertainment news, celebrities, celeb news, and celebrity gossip. We have been busting out Kevin James ' Hitch dance moves since the movie dropped in 2005. "D.C. Sniper Attacks of 2002." More for you. Al-Qaeda, a terrorist group centered in the Middle East, and its leader Osama Bin Laden were blamed for the attack. News of his death, which garnered massive worldwide attention, also revealed a major shift in the news media. "I was young and stupid," he said in the series. It seems amazing that it was nearly ten years ago when the entire world rang in the new millennium with style. 5: Earth Passes Through the Tail of Halley's Comet, 2: The United States Nearly Loses John Glenn and the Friendship 7 Spacecraft, Carlson, Adam. Mass protests during the G20 Economic Summit in 2009. The shootings continued for the next three weeks, claiming victims at a gas station, home improvement store, middle school and other ordinary public places [source: Philofsky]. In October 2020, an Italian farmer's dog gave birth to a litter of five puppiesincluding one that had green fur. The Canadians ended a fifty year hockey drought with a win in the men's competition. Oscar died in 1955, a full 14 years after the sinking of the Bismarck. A completely avoidable computer bug. The Virginia Tech shooting was a spree shooting that occurred on April 16, 2007, comprising two attacks on the campus of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia, United States. Time. At the time of Glenn's feat, the Soviet Union was besting the United States in the Space Race, having already sent the first satellite and person into space. Thus, three people died during an operation that was meant to save one life. The rest of the world responded with relief aid estimated at over ten billion US dollars. R. Kelly weirded everybody out by playing all of the roles from his R&B opera "Trapped in the Closet" during the MTV VMAs. The Oregon Supreme Court nullified nearly 3,000 marriage licenses issued to same-sex couples, Wild Fires Sweep Portugal leaving over 20 dead and thousands of acres destroyed. I'd like to think we respond with thoughtful, positive action, but judging from these events it seems mass hysteria is a more common reaction. 28. ajoker40 The Live 8 benefit concerts are held during July.There were ten simultaneous concerts were organized by Bob Geldof who had run the first Live Aid concerts 20 years earlier in 1985.The concerts were held in London, Philadelphia, Paris, Rome, Berlin, Moscow, Edinburgh, Cornwall, Johannesburg, and . (Oct. 10, 2016), National Archives. The second most widely used currency in the world was formally introduced in 2002. (Getty Images) It's been 10 . (Oct. 11, 2016), Philofsky, Rachel. Both of them were recaptured and remained at the camp until the next year, when German soldiers overthrew the SS and released the prisoners at the camp. Feb. 24, 2023 An object near the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy . Runners-up: Lost, The Sopranos, Family Guy. Pepsi, the soda company, once had the 6th largest military in the world. Sometimes one person's scary event can have a ripple effect across a nation. He claimed he did it "as a joke.". President Obama won the Electoral College by a staggering 192 votes over his opponent Senator John McCain. The plan was to use the publicity of the act to raise money and have the raft serve as an oceanographic research facility, but unfortunately a tropical storm destroyed New Atlantis in 1966, two years after it was created. 10 Nathan Leopold And Richard Loeb. Take a second to imagine what that would be like. Take the Yellowstone supervolcano eruptions, which happened 2.1 million years ago, 1.3 million years ago and 640,000 years ago. Robert Liston, a surgeon in the 1800s, performed an operation with a. Despite all this, she returned to work for the same shipping company, White Star, about four years later. Celebrities and teenagers alike took part in the "In My Feelings" challenge, centred around a Drake song of the same name. Jeff Zucker, the Chief Executive of a rival network remarked that, I think Idol is the most impactful show in the history of television. Whether that's applied for the the righteous or the trivial is up to the tweeter. And the cause of all these changes, atmospheric carbon dioxide, has risen to concentrations that are unprecedented in human history. The concerts were held in London, Philadelphia, Paris, Rome, Berlin, Moscow, Edinburgh, Cornwall, Johannesburg, and Barrie. The global war on terror was sparked by the Sept. 11, 2001, al-Qaida attacks on U.S. soil, though Osama bin Laden's group had previously struck U.S. targets. Finally, yes, the biggie. 21. It's from this angle a fear of the uncertain that we compiled our list of 10 anxiety-inducing events in history. Wilderness-survival boot camps recruited participants like never before. So what's the big deal? Jackie Salo. Women Rescued Trying to Retrieve Phone Several firefighters in Washington state had to pull a woman out of an outhouse after accidentally falling into the hole after dropping her cell phone. The outcome was mass murder and displacement of civilians leading to a humanitarian crisis of epic proportions. People. Oil prices rise sharply throughout the year caused by Trouble in the Middle East, and later Hurricane Katrina. In fact, they swept the Cardinals in 4 games to win the championship, in what analysts would later call the greatest story baseball ever told. A tornado hits western Kentucky and southwestern Indiana, killing at least 22. It's unclear whether Hemingway involved any actual guano (bird or bat droppings) in the process. On Oct. 22, Kennedy ordered a naval quarantine of Cuba in order to prevent Soviets from delivering any offensive weapons. Just as scary as the tsunami itself is the possibility that a deadly event could happen again despite the installation of an early detection system in the Indian Ocean. PHOTOS: The most awesome things from the '90s. 1 /18. As Glenn descended, he watched burning chunks of spacecraft fly by his window, unsure whether these were pieces of the critical heat shield. Mary Jo survived and later divorced her husband. Zac Efron had a "YOLO" tattoo. The triumph of change was approved all around the world. Interestingly, there are studies being done that argue iPods are making kids more anti-social, because they can turn on their music instead of socializing. That's exactly what happened on Feb. 20, 1962, when Americans held their collective breath as astronaut John Glenn and the Friendship 7 spacecraft orbited 160 miles (257 kilometers) above Earth at a face-melting 17,500 miles per hour (28,164 kilometers per hour). 4. Weve come a long way since. National Geographic. The Guardian. We just aren't wired very well to deal with this uncertainty, and the Great Clown Scare is proof [source: Romm]. Here's just a couple of them: 1) One time I was driving home, dirt roads midday, and I had to stop. The euro, primarily used by members of the European Union, is also used by millions of people on other continents. Certainly, popular culture has conditioned us to fear clowns, with fictional portrayals like those in It to actual events like the serial murders committed by John Wayne Gacy, known in the press as "The Killer Clown." By the late 1700s, the witch craze was largely over, but not before some 40,000 to 100,000 people had been killed under such outrageous circumstances as those mentioned above. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala made history in March by becoming the first African and the first woman to serve as director-general of the World Trade. Glenn would be the first American to orbit the Earth, but as he prepared to re-enter the atmosphere, he got some bad news from Mission Control: A sensor detected a problem with the heat shield. On that day, according to the BBC, a 70-year-old man rode his bicycle down a stretch of highway in Raahe, Finland, when he was hit and killed by a passing truck. Any small musician, looking to make it big, can get his music in the iTunes store, and theoretically propel himself to stardom. Oct. 7, 2016. 8. Two were crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, one was flown into the Pentagon Building in Washington DC, and in the fourth plane, civilians overtook the terrorists and the plane crashed into a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. But there may be something more fundamental. Here's a stress ball, just in case that helps.. Journalist Bridget Johnson has covered news and foreign policy for USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, and more. I can't really remember what happened while I was in the water but I do remember throwing up once I got into the beach. The second-largest earthquake ever recorded, with at least a 9.1 magnitude, ripped the floor of the Indian Ocean west of Indonesia. A Walk to Remember Jan. 25, 2002. Psychology Today. Britain implements The Civil Partnership Act granting civil partnerships "which include same sex partnerships" with rights and responsibilities identical to civil marriage. The recession showed that globalization means that countries aren't immune to the effects of foreclosures, rising unemployment rates, controversial bank bailouts, and a weak gross domestic product. It stands out as the most conventional action in a war that has rewritten the rules on conflict. Here . In 2016 an important measurement station in Tasmania recorded levels exceeding 400 parts per million, which is higher than any time in the past 15 million years [source: Readfearn]. He got out shortly before the finish line and crossed it, which fooled some of the onlookers. Thankfully, another runner used a knife to cut his pants into shorts. Fortunately, they weren't, as the sensor that raised the alarm turned out to be faulty, and Glenn landed in the Atlantic without incident. ( Bird Flu ) H5N1 strain of Avian Flu claims more lives in Indonesia and other countries around the globe. Just two hours later, before the family had been informed of the death, the man's twin brother rode his own bicycle across the exact same stretch of highway. Ultimately, there was a vote among three officers on whether or not to launch a nuke, with Arkhipov being the lone "no" vote. Following the attack, President George W. Bush started his War on Terror, which has led to major conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq. 20. The Live 8 benefit concerts are held during July. So good! Apr 19 Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger elected Pope Benedict XVI on the second day of the Papal conclave. YouTube quickly gained popularity as users began to upload and share videos on the site in record numbers. The Grim Reaper was not kind to 2021, claiming the lives of some beloved titans like Larry King, Alex Trebek, DMX, Norm McDonald, Stephen . The three creators were all former Paypal employees and came up with the concept to create a platform on which it would be easier to share videos with others over the internet in a style similar to popular photo sharing sites of the time. An African woman leads the World Trade Organization. Beachgoers, frolicking in the warm waters of Indonesia's Indian coast, look up and see a strange sight on the horizon: A swell of water. There was an unexplained explosion (thought to be a deep-sea mine), causing the boat to sink quickly. That nation's leader directed a Japanese firm draw up plans for a floating island to sustain part of the country's population and purchased land on nearby Fiji to evacuate the rest [source: Worland]. Oct. 18, 2016. The story was unsubstantiated, but copycats soon emerged. "10 Major News Stories of the 2000s." He even performed actual work by helping transport supplies, including heavy boxes of ammunition. 6. It was the original Internet platformsomething virtually every technology startup now aspires to be. President George W. Bush acknowledged he'd personally authorized a secret eavesdropping program in the U.S. following Sept. 11, President George W. Bush signed the new act making it harder for those with large debts to wipe clean their financial slates by declaring bankruptcy under Chapter 7 "New Bankruptcy Law". You didn't mean it! "For us, the single biggest story was the storming of the US Capitol and Trump's attempts to overturn the election results. 14. Everything was fine until the 1990s, when concern grew that computers might interpret the looming year 2000 known in computer-speak as "00" as 1900. The resulting changes in rainfall patterns and severe frosts could lead to more widespread crop failure [source: Oskin]. He has 70 point IQ: In "Making a Murderer," Reesa Evans, Avery . 10. (Oct. 11, 2016), Weissman, Paul. Not to mention, my insurance no longer covered my RA medication, so I was dealing with that pain too. 1 Coronavirus Outbreak. #HashtagsThe digital revolution has spawned a seemingly endless range of techy buzzwords with ambiguous meaning. 1 of 10. Ah, 2005. The Nokia 3310 became the best-selling phone of its time (and everyone was playing Snake!). "Y2K: The New Year's Disaster That Never Happened." Carbajal stopped at a roadside orchard for a snack during the race, but the apples were rotten so he was struck with stomach cramps and had to sleep it off. Not only that, but when the original Antioch was destroyed, all of its remaining citizens were relocated to the "new" Antioch. An international poll showed an average of 49% worldwide in favor of Obama, while McCain only garnered 12%. It just goes to show how close the world came to all-out nuclear war during the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. "Meet the President Trying to Save His Island Nation From Climate Change." Discover unique things to do, places to eat, and sights to see in the best destinations around the world with Bring Me! May 2, 2016. Toonacious Published 08/03/2022 in Funny. In many of these instances, the danger was imminent and horrifyingly clear, like the sight of a mushroom cloud rising over Hiroshima in 1945 or the tsunami wave rolling toward the beaches of Indonesia in 2004. But the town decided to make things seem more exciting there after the Transcontinental Railroad opened in 1869 and passed through Palisade. Coordinates. The Washington Post. Fear is an ancient emotion. The winner of the first season was Will Young, who has had a modest career since. Jun 4 French Open Women's Tennis: Belgian Justine Henin-Hardenne wins 1st of 3 straight French titles; beats Mary Pierce of France 6-1, 6-1, Jun 5 French Open Men's Tennis: Spaniard Rafael Nadal beats Mariano Puerta of Argentina 6-7, 6-3, 6-1, 7-5 to claim his first French title, Jun 13 A jury in Santa Maria, California acquits pop singer Michael Jackson of molesting 13-year-old Gavin Arvizo at his Neverland Ranch, Jun 15 "Batman Begins", directed by Christopher Nolan, starring Christian Bale, Michael Caine and Katie Holmes goes on wide release, Jun 18 David Tennant's first appearance as the Tenth Doctor in BBC "Doctor Who" episode "The Parting of the Ways", Jun 19 Michael Schumacher wins controversial United States Formula 1 Grand Prix where only 6 of 20 cars complete the race amongst ridicule of F1 safety and tyre rules, Jun 21 Billy Corgan releases"TheFutureEmbrace", his first solo album, Jun 23 NBA Finals: San Antonio Spurs beat defending champion Detroit Pistons, 81-74 in Game 7 for club's 3rd title; MVP: Tim Duncan, his 3rd MVP award. Some of the deadliest of these disasters were floods affecting India, Afghanistan, Africa, Pakistan, and Brazil. (Oct. 14, 2016), Readfearn, Graham. People all over the United States remember where they were when news broke that a plane had flown into the World Trade Center in New York City. Cheating, Stealing, and Strychnine. The Guardian. "Steam Explosions, Earthquakes, and Volcanic EruptionsWhat's in Yellowstone's Future?" Harry Potter became famous for its cult-like following, with millions of kids everywhere waiting outside bookstores for midnight parties on release dates. He is succeeded by Rawhi Fattouh. Though telescopes weren't yet strong enough to track its distant progress, everyone expected another sighting in 1910. It's been a full nine years since The Huffington Post emerged into the virtual world, and in that time the world has become wildly different place. Seung-Hui Cho, an undergraduate student at the university and a U.S. resident who was from South Korea, killed 32 people and wounded 17 others with two semi-automatic . Well, here are the ten moments, ideas, and innovations which defined the decade. 7. Maybe it was a way to drum up more tourism. United States Supreme Court ruled Medicinal Use Of Marijuana users can be prosecuted for violating federal drug laws. The spacecraft was created by the Planetary Society, a non-profit space advocacy group. After sacking the city of Antioch in 540 CE, Sasanian Emperor Khosrow I built a new city that looked almost exactly the same and called it "Weh Antiok Khusrau," which, Public Domain / Library of Congress / Via. For that brief time, PepsiCo had the 6th largest military in the world, until it sold all of the ships and submarines for scrap recycling. 3. 2020 is a year where the essential goods section gets wiped clean, while toilet paper becomes the hot new currency in some countries. The New York Stock Exchange, which makes its home only blocks away from the WTC, had its largest one day drop in history when it re-opened. Even wilder theories emerged suggesting that the comet's gravity might throw off Earth's tides and cause the Pacific to empty itself into the Atlantic. October 23, 2001 Apple Introduces the iPod. Kanye West. Our heart rate increases, blood is redirected to critical body parts, adrenaline spikes, and our strength, stamina and senses are all heightened [source: Taylor]. Watch on YouTube 2. I left about then. The same fight-or-flight response that gripped cavemen stalked by a hungry saber-toothed tiger still grips modern humans when they skydive for the first time. He has been a guest speaker on numerous national radio and television stations and is a five time published author. On September 11, 2001, four airplanes in the United States were hijacked by Muslim extremists and crashed into various locations. "Mad Jack" Churchill, a British Army officer during WWII, was, At one point, the makers of Pepsi had the. Even the venerated Time magazine set up a generator-powered "war room" in the basement of their building. The wild things that happened 10 years ago . Long Island Lolita Amy Fisher shot the wife of her lover, Joey Buttafuoco (pronounced Butt-a-foo-co), Mary Jo Buttafuoco in the face. From somewhat plausible to completely insane, here are some predictions about things people think might . The devastation prompted a massive global humanitarian response, with more than $7 billion donated to the affected regions. Oscar died in 1955, a full 14 years after the sinking of the Bismarck. What stirred everyone into a tizzy was the new discovery that Earth was actually on track to pass through the comet's 15.5-million-mile (25-million-kilometer) tail. 6th January African-American Civil Rights Movement (1955-1968) known as American Civil Rights Movement: Edgar Ray Killen is arrested as a suspect in the 1964 Mississippi civil rights workers murders called murders of three civil rights workers. Gross. 7. 18/18. Woody Allen and Mia Farrow engage in a very public and nasty custody battle over their three children. Eighty percent of the city remained in stagnant floodwaters for weeks. He didn't have a lot of screen time on the film but he did happen to take things too far when all was said and done. In 2005, Drake was still wheeling around Degrassi and Miley Cyrus hadn't yet debuted on Hannah Montana, let alone appropriated twerking. "Stephen King Urges People to 'Cool the Clown Hysteria' After More Reports and Arrests." Many times, things you may have assumed to be true (for years!) Let's revisit the anniversaries, major headlines and TV premieres that happened in 2007. Then, rebel groups began fighting the government and its allied Arabic-speaking Janjaweed militia. This story happened at Disneyland Paris. (Oct. 14, 2016), Oskin, Becky. It was so popular Zac Efron even got a tattoo of the saying on his hand. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. The brush with nuclear war was a wakeup call to the rival superpowers, which instituted a direct telephone line between the Kremlin and the White House as a result [source: State Department]. Earthquake magnitude 7.6 strikes Kashmir leaving an estimated 70,000 dead and 70,000 more injured. Feeling safer yet? The largest of these eruptions was the oldest one, which created a volcanic formation known as the Huckleberry Ridge Tuff. Hemingway referenced an obscure law, the Guano Islands Act of 1856, to do this: The law stated that US citizens could claim ownership (under the United States) of unclaimed islands that had guano deposits. 7. Tourists, mostly from Europe, were also killed during this peak travel time, with over 9,000 deaths. Their first shot shattered the window of the store but narrowly missed the cashier's head. 10 things that happened in 2003 Sep 28, 2012 at 3:44 pm Expand Autoplay 1 of 10 Space Shuttle Columbia disintegrated as it re-entered the atmosphere in February, killing all on board. The Guardian. 17. From the awe-inspiring to the downright bizarre, below we've handpicked the 22 most amazing things that happened in the UK this year (in no particular order). On May 7th, 2021, U.S. oil pipeline company Colonial Pipeline suffered a ransomware attack at the hands of an international criminal hacking group.

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crazy things that happened in 2005