pisces man ghosted me and came back

What am I dealing with here? Fast forwarding, we have made plans on getting things going with our lives and into finally being able to see each other. So I text him at noon and say so no more morning texts? And he response is so Im the only one who can text? Implying it would be nice if I texted too. The emotional roller coaster needs to slow down. I was bit confrontational that night. Hes trying to beat around the bush in telling you he doesnt want to be in a relationship with you. I dont know if the issue is him not finishing his studies or him not liking me or that his ex damaged him when she left him for another man which delayed him focusing on his studies and career. Right now youre giving off mixed signals to him by telling him that its too soon to be exclusive but then now wondering if he has a girlfriend. Ok well, he sounds like hes a very private person. Id ask him flat out to see you on vid or youre going to going to any further. He also need to prove his loyalty to you so you dont have to mistrust him. I personally think he does this because he has definitely been hurt before and if he shows you that he cares about you, then it is game over for him. Pisces men are run by their emotions sometimes. I wish you all the best! i blocked him for two weeks because he was being such an ass but then missed him so i came back. I think you already know the answer and you need to follow it. The chances of this happening are minuscule! Pisces Men Are Very Convincing With Their Mind Games, How To Tell If There's A Future With Your Pisces Man, 5 Clear Signs A Pisces Man Is Playing You. I am a cancer woman and met my pisces man almost 2 weeks ago. Then again, he could be testing you to see how you respond. In the beginning, we didnt talk to each other because we didnt know each other. Defensive behavior can be a turn off. Im hooked.. Alright so there was strong chemistry but if he decided there wasnt anything else there except the sexual intensity or hes no ready to be in a relationship, he would decide to ghost. The Pisces Man Plays Mind Games With You, 2. He has been very distant he will text me a few times throughout the day, face time sometimes. You do need to keep the communication open and be sure that youre not jumping to conclusions or doubting him when he tells you that hes alright and you should stay calm. Validation isnt a bad thing and I dont think you should change who you are for anyone sweetheart. It sounds like you do based on the fact that nothing ever gets talked about or cleared. The Pisces man might be ghosting you because he's emotionally unavailable. This is pretty normal sweetheart. So when I got hom I called him and told him I want to explain why I wanted to leave so urgently and that I saw the name and he told me no its someone he knows a very long time and acting like she is not a big deal but because I can read him I knew he was lying. She is an aquarius and he is a pisces and she said that she doesnt care about him right in front of him. I have NEVER, been on such a world wind, with a Pisces. Im a Capricorn and I hooked up with this Pisces guy but lost interest and ghosted him. I feel like the mixed signals are driving me insane! Then we kept talking and got into more conversations. Being berated for ANYTHING should never happen. He should take the time he needs or wants on days he hasnt already promised to get together with you or at least communicate with you that he has been feeling overwhelmed and needs some space to breathe. This makes him incredibly insecure enough to play the jealousy card on you. He said why give time to something its not gonna change? I said You know yourself better than I do. You can also read my book Pisces Man Secrets for more insight. I have secretly had a bit of a crush on him for a while. PISCES. The mixed signals just kill me though. You may have unresolved karma between you. Not sure if I should invest my whole scorp heart in it. Listen to your gut. Then I begin to feel bad, we can go weeks without speaking even though I reach out all of the time to resolve issues. This should help you decide to cut him loose or to try to work it out with him. They do this especially when theyre seeing someone that theyre not that serious about. But if he doesnt ever tell me, am I just wasting my time? Then I reached out to him, and he responded, and we got cozy again, and he began to tell me he could not wait to see me. A lot of it is miscommunication and frustration. At the end of that date we kissed. But social media isn't the only sign that a ghoster might be planning their grand return. Then one day he said that he wanted to quit marching band! Hi I am a Scorpio, with a Pisces mask, Scorpio moon, and joined a social media app (not fb) just recently. He would do all PDA in front of friends but nothing when we are alone. Ill be watching for your email. They are amazing but its getting that trust as you mentioned is what makes it last. I wasnt expecting to like him this time. 5. Now that you know; start asking him questions and see how he physically responds. Hi,Anna my name is Lesley,and I met this guy on plenty of fish a dating site,he had me to go to a site call hangout, he will text me, it may take 2 or 3 minutes for him to return a text then he may take 2 to 3hrs b4 he responds he is a project developer and he said he has 5 company that he take care of but I am a in hm aide so he ask me what I did for a living but I told him that it was on my profile and I ask him did he read it he said yes then I responded to him that he mad me think that I didnt meet his criteria and he made me feel that he was not interested he responded bk and said I am interested but we were texting and he stay gone for about an hour and some minutes so I text him and ask are u still there he said yes I was taking a shower I will get bk you when I get out I told him it is no way you can text me while you are showering and if u needed to get off the phone the only thing I had to do was say so he have responded bk but he will probably text in the morning maybe but we have never met one another we are only texting what do u think and how can I determine if he is trying to take my kindness for my weakness he sent me pictures of him and everything what are some questions I can ask him to see if he is real or fake? And, if you want to know how long until . Then I found out that I was a Sagittarius. I sent an apology email, and I messaged him on messenger, apologizing and asking to be unblocked. This is a sure sign that this Pisces man is playing you and leading you on. He wants to see if you are willing to change the way you behave to make him happy. Tell him its creepy. With my Scorp, intuition I KNOW what love and making love would be with this man! I wonder if this is it this time. You have a right to do this when youre left in the air with it. (Some facts:He lives in South America and I am in North America. And then when he send his mother a picture of something she wanted him to buy I saw a girls name, instantly my mood shifted. Im a May Taurus and the person that was trying to play me was a March Pisces. But just as the article said, he never delivered. Perhaps he will figure things out in his head and then better communicate with you. Also Im pretty positive he knew I moved into these specific apts before he moved in. Pisces women, on the other hand, are more trustworthy in general. But he will always text me. When I bring up our relationship he always says what hes going through has nothing to do with me, or our relationship its just him and he doesnt want to take any hostages on the situation he creates for himself. Then, they will tell you an explanation for their actions. I dont get it. So 3 weeks went by and I know he was back from the weekend with his parents where he supposedly talked to them about us. What does this mean? He could be seeing other people and breaking plans with you to go see them. we meet again at a family meeting he was tall grown and unrecognizable we didnt realzed we met when were younger until we talked he was my type and of the bat, I liked him so I started doing little things (flirting) but he also seemed interested and was flirting back then next thing I know I try to leave the room we were in the quietly says I was furious! The thing is this we both went into this with no strings attached and it was supposed to be just for fun, unfortunately I have caught feelings. Find out by asking him what his deal is. He will blame absolutely everyone else for his problems, and not take any responsibility for himself. Thats a first! Incredible. Dont ever make him feel as if youre interrogating him. While he is an expert at convincing people of anything; he is flawed. He has plans of studying where I am. I loved his cheeky approach and enjoyed chatting to him and it escalated quickly as he was saying all the right things. Am I fool to keep chasing and wanting to be with him, oh and FYI there is a 15 year difference between us, but that does not seem to matter to either of us. But he still lets me know things at the last minute. But if you've gone out with someone a couple of times and are well into the process of getting to know them, don't just go poof. He always talks about us traveling and doing this and that but nothing so far, he still says it but nothing. I went to see my friend and we hung out playing video games, but what he isnt saying is: I went to hang out with my female friend and we started with video games but ended up having sex.. Give him time but tell him that you two really need to talk face to face (in person or video chat) so that you can hash it out. Hes so good at telling lies or bending the truth that hes become very comfortable with himself. Hello. Money shouldnt be anything between you two. Pisces men cool off when theyre dealing with lots of stress just like a Cancer would typically. We spend a weekend together were things got heated when we made out, but nothing happened so I got the feeling he doesnt have alot of experience. I stay the night every night I dont have my son. Hi I met my pisces man and started dating 5 months ago. You are an amazing woman! They have that mentality of doing what they want when they want and not answering to anyone. I love him so much. He stayed at my place almost every night for about 2 weeks, then left for 6 weeks to handle personal things. I often get questions from my readers like: I have been dating this Pisces guy for a while now, but I can tell if he is leading me on? You have no idea how often women ask me this and I can understand your frustrations. Another thing Ive observed from them is that, the less emotionally invested you are in them, the more they care. Instead of trusting your fears, you should trust your own intuition. He has to first grow up nd accept responsibility before he forms a family. This time span was two weeks. My story is actually a little different but i would love some advice, im a virgo woman in a relationship with a pisces man and so it start out when i met him at a party in 2018 and his eyes dont leave me soon as i walk through the door, later on that evening we got aquatinted and i gave him my goodies a little too early but months went by and he still kept in touch then out of the blue got a girlfriend so we stopped talkin of course then almost a year late they broke up and he wanted my friendship so we ended up gettin cool again and hangin out with eachother and after a while of that December 2nd of 2020 rolls around and he decides he wants to be my boyfriend so i say yes then 3months into our relationship he decides wants to see what its like with another girl then 3short days later he apologizes and tells me it was a mistake and he wants to be with me then 2short days go by and he tells me something is missing and i tell him he can never come back now almost a week has went by and he come back saying he misses me now i dont know if im being played with or if he really does want to be with me and just is scared. Give it time. He was upset, because he said I did not trust him. That also means that you have Pisces somewhere in yours. They are very sensitive. It may be eye-opening. And before I left he told me he wil see me the next weekend. Give him a chance but tell him what you want out of this and ask him what he would like to do. His Venus and mars is in Aquarius if that might also help. Youll get right to the truth and he wont be able to hide as easily. I told him one night I want to know. Pisces is one of those frustrating people who just assume that everything is going downhill instead of actually asking you if you still have feelings for him. He does have alot of luxurious cars by the way maybe 10. Had 2 experiences with Pisces men and both were liars. If he acts super sensitive and is playing the victim card just realize that he is trying to test his boundaries with you. Hello. How does a Pisces man test you? Im inclined to think that it is family stuff or stuff with friends. I just want to know if I should pursue this feeling of mine or let it go. 4 months into dating he said he loved me but I couldnt say it back. If you need more help, please check out my book Pisces Man Secrets. 4. They are players and will cheat on any woman of the zodiac sign including me so if you like it then marry a pisces, but if you dont like the cheating then dont marry a pisces man. How To Know When A Pisces Man Is Done With You, 1. And he totally flipped out, and began to tell me, I dont love him, and if I cared about him, I would pay for his ticket. He is afraid of commitment and tells me he loves me all the time in front his friends even and hugs and kisses me non stop one day I went to his house I knew the ex was there the night before I felt a way to go in his room he noticed that and the sex was so plain not like the others days since then he never talked to me again I fell for him cause Im a Pisces myself damn I wish sometimes I was an Aquarius honestly smh. We had been together for 7 years when he had tried to hook up with another girl, and I had gut feelings that he had tried to do it a few times before that. It makes sense when you listen to any of his lyrics. Even Ive apologized to my pisces man sincerely and bare my soul for him to see, he is still being a bit distant with me and it hurts. If you would like more insight, please read my book Pisces Man Secrets. What are your thoughts please. I need some help. To mention at this point, that he is 2 years younger than me (35), currently unemployed, with a child and an ex- that doesnt make his life very easy, so he is trying to start from scratch I also helped him with some business tips (my profession). I sincerely wish you all the very best! What do you think Anna? This includes making you think hes telling you the truth when hes actually being deceptive. I think what hes told you is a lame excuse when it comes to you looking younger. It will make things worse actually. Also whats with the empty promises.. Maybe his not planning to take me out anywhere not even a date. If you worry about your safety, you should perhaps get a restraining order. I wish you all the best! So your ghoster might have acted selfishly but then realized their mistake and are feeling guilty for hurting you. Its this type of thing that can cause Pisces man to play mind games. He use to always call me and check on me. Unfortunately, this is one of the tactics he uses to really get under your skin. We shared the same sense of humor, same passions, and interests, and we really connected. He said he had to leave and asked me to come to his place. 1. I try to show him how I want to be touched but he really doesnt do it. The second seven signs are the indicators that he's gone for good. I am not honestly worried hes with anyone else. He broke down and cried and said he wanted me. I was talking to a Pisces man but he is such a player he will spend 4 days with me and the very same day he will go home his ex she comes over she leaves her panties there at his house and he says she not his girl but she helps him out ? Making him jealous can trigger this reaction. One of the signs, when a Pisces man is done with you, is that he will go silent, wont return your calls or texts, and basically, you wont be able to get a hold of him. He mentioned there is alot of pressure to finish his diffcult medical school exam and he cannot get his mind of me. Some of them are even Masochistic people: the worse you treat them, the more they care. Pisces men can tell white lies and omit information like no one's business. A Pisces man is motivated by emotions. Its was a wonderful time together. Ask him if you let him back in if he will be with you only. He called me back and thanked me for showing concern and not getting upset. He went about his day and called a time or two and texted. Try talking to him and call him out for watching you. However, since they are ruled by Neptune, the planet of dreamy states of mind and fantasy, they cant help it but reconstruct an irreal version of their past. The tension and confusion you are feeling is for a reason and I think you should sit down and talk to him about what is happening. If you need more guidance then check out my book Pisces Man Secrets. Im in the ninth grade. He loves having her at home. I wouldnt say a Pisces man is a player! How could things go from amazing to almost non-existent so quickly? However, he needs to learn that his sensitivity and emotions are his own responsibility and he needs to figure out how to cope with these feelings productively. If hes saying he needs to look at himself, hes telling you the truth. It always felt like he wanted to rush home after dinner or any outing. 7. Check in with him sweetheart. Blah, sounds like you haven an alcoholic on your hands. They are direct and purposeful, independent and overall pretty happy. Marriage therapist Nicole Richardson says she's seen people who . well, Ive known this Pisces 4 years prior when I first met him 4 years ago he was 10 and I was 9 we were young and clueless Im a libra by the way anyways 4 years later!! Or is he just playing games? Sometimes I feel like he is playing sometimes I feel like he is serious. Show Up 4. This is often how a Pisces man will test you. And I said, what abt? And he said, I think Im staying in marching band. I was so happy and I told him how glad I was to hear that. After that last message, he blocked me. Read up more on Pisces guys in my book Pisces Man Secrets. When the time is right, he will tell you all about it. Ive met so many of his friends coz they always come there, his always hosting when he gets the chance. and this is why he could not access his bank. It will seem as though he never existed except your heart will feel the sadness. It is better to know these things than being left out in the dark. He should tell you exactly what he feels. If he has plans with you and calls you to tell you he cannot make it or wants to change the dates; hes up to something. I have been dating a Pisces who is younger than me (likes older women) and is a athlete. We go fishing all the time. First, let me give some background. I feel stuck because he ended up agreeing to let me stay with him at his place when I was in town, and he seemed super interested in seeing me because he wanted to hook up. ]for now, he agreed to put this text relationship on hold, till he is back in the states. I dont ask for money for anything else at all. Do it daily for 30 days and see how you feel. Share your emotions; you'll be glad you were honest and open with him because a Pisces man is in tune with his feelings and wants to hear yours. 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pisces man ghosted me and came back